Our story.. so far

Hi guys! The names Paulie a.k.a. Sprung Boss. At least, thats what everyone calls me. Well, maybe just my family. Ok ok, just me.. Anyway I just also happen to be the brainchild of this operation called Sprung Outdoors, together with my wife and 4 turning 14 boss-baby.

So why Sprung Outdoors? Well for starters, since living in Australia I have become an avid adventurer, a pretty outdoorsy sorta guy and I have been exploring new tracks, camping spots, water holes, 4x4 tracks and even do climbing tracks sometimes for as long as I can remember. So long as I could create the time to do it because, I mean, we all know spare time doesn't just happen right? I mean I might've just learnt that recently, but still.. 

It was actually only just recently that I learnt we had a big pill to swallow. The career that I had spent 20 plus years cultivating was meaningless when we were left with no choice but to move rural. SMACK!. Definitely understand how a mozzie feels after you've chased it for half the night in your undies and finally get the whining prick... Apologies, I digress.

So other than farming or working at the local factory, both of which having the ability to consume personal time, my wife and I decided to jump head first into this new venture called online business. Throwing everything we had at something we've never done before. Mate, we didn't even KNOW enough about it to be completely honest. We just knew we had to do SOMETHING.. I mean it was on one particularly fateful morning, I was up early, I remember it being absolutely freezing. I guess that's expected when your home looks like humanities last stand against a zombie apocalypse. Our little family was squeezed into a 15ft caravan on a public nature strip out in the sticks. Our worldly possessions crammed into my ute and trailer, as well as wifey's car. Bull mastiff asleep in the tiny caravan doorway. It almost sounds picturesque, but believe me, life was at a low point. All I remember though, wasn't the cold that I felt, but how cold the poor kid, that we pulled away from the only world he knew and travelled 1500km's away from, must've been. I decided then and there, that I was getting us out. My boy, of all people, didn't deserve this. With nothing left to lose we took the leap, into the digital world...

Fast forward to present day and I can happily say that we are now safely in a warm and secure home. It's still a big learning curve, this online stuff. But every day spent learning is another step to success. If I can be honest with myself, I'd say I'm quite proud of how far we've come. Who would've thought, a master of tools and a sweary mum CAN get behind a keyboard and create something to be proud of! Being outdoors is our thing, so why not use that experience and build on it, share the love? 

We make it our goal to make the outdoors accessible to everyone, no matter their skill level or experience. Whether through our (hopefully) informative blog posts or through our products, which we strive to locally source with an attention to eco-friendly options. I know we have a long way to go, but with the right love and support, who knows how far Sprung Outdoors can go! 

There's obviously more to us but you'll just have to wait for the autobiography. We're expecting it to be a best seller! Or it could be, if i actually wrote one... So please, if you have made it this far, please continue on this journey with us and help spread the word. Help us share the love. Your support matters!

Much love from the Sprung Outdoors family and Paulie - Sprung Boss ...seriously, that does sound pretty cool though, right? Right?...