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Take Nothing but Pictures, Leave Nothing but Footprints - by Sprung Outdoors

Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints 


Some sayings in this present day and age have vanished into antiquity, others remain steadfast and then there are some that have a COMPLETELY new meaning. Fortunately for those of us who enjoy the outdoors, our motto stays true to its original form, “take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints”. As the saying suggests, the goal is for us to have as minimal impact as possible while exploring the great outdoors.


As we spend more time outdoors in the natural world, it becomes increasingly important to be conscious of the effects of our actions on the environment. Not only for our own enjoyment, but for future explorers. The following is a set of principles, brilliantly compiled by the Leave No Trace Centre for Outdoor Ethics.


In a nutshell:

Plan Ahead and Prepare (a favourite here at Sprung)

  • know/learn the area
  • prepare in case of weather or emergencies
  • visit in small groups if possible


Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces

  • good campsites are found not made
  • concentrate use on existing campsites, tracks and trails


Dispose of Waste Properly

  • this one’s a no-brainer. If you pack it in then pack it out


Leave What You Find

  • the key here is to preserve the environment by preserving the past
  • please, avoid taking native plants home. Especially if home is a loooong way away. You run the risk of introducing a species to an area that’s not equipped to deal with it


Minimise Campfire Impacts

  • obvious one but stick to established fire pits/areas
  • keep fires to a manageable size
  • bank if being left overnight
  • most importantly, make sure it is OUT COMPLETELY before leaving the area


Respect Wildlife

  • we know it’s a hard one, but we all really need to avoid feeding them as we run the risk of damaging their health and altering their natural behaviours, making them vulnerable
  • an easy way to protect our native wildlife is to simply keep our food and rubbish properly stored. Easy!


And last but certainly not least, Be Considerate of Other Visitors. We are glad you have found an amazing new campsite but seriously, how are we to know it’s amazing if it’s full of clowns acting like they’re at a strip club with fistfuls of Monopoly money? Is it really that hard to respect others? How about we protect the quality of EVERYONES experience. Leave behind a legacy, a link to the past. Something to share for generations and generations.


Let’s all do our part and stay better prepared.


Don’t get sprung out,

Get Sprung Outdoors.

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