News Sprung Outdoors

Staying Warm (or Alive) Outdoors in Winter - by Sprung Outdoors


How To Stay Warm Outdoors in Winter



Ok ok, so we all know winter can get super cold, but if you're like us and still enjoy exploring nature when it's freezing out, then these tips are for you to get the most out of your next 'ice'-capade! See what we did there? Escapade, 'ice'-capade?


Because of winter? And it's cold?

**crickets intensify**

...moving along...



So we all know it's important to stay warm when spending time outside in cold winter conditions. There are several ways to ensure your body can be kept comfortably warm and protected from extreme temperatures. It all starts with our core, ourselves. You could be wearing the latest outdoor wear but if it isn't made of the right material then you might as well take up ice diving as your new favourite pastime. When facing cold winter conditions, the best materials to wear for protection are wool, down, and synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon. Wool is an excellent choice because it has natural insulation properties that help keep body heat close to the skin. And the most important quality (think sheep) is that even when wet it can absorb sweat, keeping you dry AND still keep you warm! How cool! Down is also a great way to stay warm because the feathers provide plush insulation that traps hot air. If you choose to wear multiple layers, then synthetic fabrics are the go. Able to trap hot air and not let any cold air through, helping to retain that all-important core temperature.



Here are a few tips to keep YOUR tips from falling off:

1. Wear multiple layers of clothing.

2. Invest in a waterproof and insulated jacket, pants, or snowsuit for those that hit the slopes or just enjoy feeling like they've been swallowed by a marshmallow.

3. Wear boots with thick insulation and waterproof materials. A couple of shirts around the lower legs tucked into gumboots work well in a pinch! If you know, you know.

4. Cover exposed skin with a scarf, gloves, beanies, and face masks. It's no secret that our hands, feet and head are the first places to lose heat and are often overlooked.

5. Choose materials that will keep you warm even when wet such as wool and fleece.

6. Layer sweaters, coats and jackets made from synthetic fabrics to trap heat.

7. A must! Thermal underwear! Not only do they provide warmth to our most vulnerable parts, but gents, you'll thank us later when you have to go to the toilet in the middle of the night.

8. Exercising... I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but even just jogging on the spot for a few minutes before heading outside can raise your temperature and help prevent you from shrivelling like a leaf at the first sign of winter!

9. Consuming hot drinks like tea and coffee can help keep your body temperature high. And yes, alcohol can too, to a limited degree. but remember what goes up must come down, and when you do so will your body temperature.

10. If all else fails, hot water bottles, heat packs, blankets and a nice fire.

Lastly, if after all these tips and their variations, you are still freezing then might we suggest a better tent or camping setup? Something we may cover in a future blog. We hope you found this information useful, and dare we say slightly entertaining? As a final take home, please stay safe this winter and as always, do your research and be prepared out there!



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