Lit and Responsible: Fire Safety in the Wild by Sprung Outdoors

Lit and Responsible: Fire Safety in the Wild by Sprung Outdoors

Hey! What up campfire crew! It's fire season again so it's time to drop some knowledge on how to keep those flames blazing responsibly in the great outdoors with Sprung Outdoors (clever right?). Follow along with us as we break down the essentials - not just for the vibe but for keeping it safe while you're igniting those adventures.


1. Find the Right Spot:

Choose a campsite like you pick your beats - carefully. Look for fire rings, pits or grills and leave nature the way you found it.

2. Check the Scene:

Know the rules, peeps! Check for fire bans and get the lowdown on local fire regulations so you can avoid any unintended consequences.

3. Build the Fire Right:

Make that fire pop, but keep it small and contained. Use a fire pan or other fire containment gear. If you're starting a new one, choose a safe location away from overhanging branches and dry vegetation.

4. Stay on Fire Duty:

Don't ghost on your fire. Attend to it like you would your loved ones. Fully extinguish it before turning in for the night. Water and dirt are effective tools for putting out flames.

5. Fuel Up Wisely:

Keep it clean guys. Burn local wood to prevent the spread of nasty pests and avoid any plastic nonsense. your lungs will thank you later.

6. Stay Weather Wise:

Keep an eye on the forecast, because we all know how unpredictable it can be. Be ready to switch it up or shut it down if conditions get too wild.

7. Be Ready to Extinguish:

Carry a small extinguisher or sand bucket. It's your backup plan for any unexpected flare. Safety first - always.

8. Educate Your Campfire Crew:

Spread the word on fire safety - it's a knowledge drop for your whole camp. Educate, so everyone understands the importance of responsible fire management and is equipped to act if needed.

9. Leave No Trace:

Once you're done with the fire, double check it's out. Especially if buried in sand as the residual heat can last for hours after it's been extinguished. Double check your campsite after you've packed up. Leave it as you found it, ensuring no embers or debris is left behind.


Sprung Outdoors helping you keep it lit and responsible. With great outdoor adventures come great responsibilities. Embrace fire safety practices, ensuring our shared love for the wilderness doesn't compromise its beauty. Ignite those adventures but respect the flames. Let's keep it blazing, but always in the right way. Don't get sprung out.

Get Sprung Outdoors.

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