News Sprung Outdoors

How to Know Your Children's Camping Limits - by Sprung Outdoors

Ooh yeah! You know EXACTLY what limit we are talking about.


Hey everyone! Camping season is once again upon us and if you’re like us and have young ones that love being outside, if you’re not already out camping with them then chances are you’re preparing to!  But do you know the signs that mean the difference between a fantastic family  bonding experience and an emotional rollercoaster led mutiny are? Just so we’re clear, we’re not talking about the whole experience, but rather, when camp starts to break down and you know it’s time to pack up and go. Because sometimes all it takes is for one upset camper to derail the whole experience.


No, we’re not saying children ruin a camping trip, but it is our responsibility as parents to help them regulate their emotions while navigating their way to adulthood. And let’s face it… We know an overstimulated child when we see one. There’s a fine line between knowing when to pull them out or them going feral. Read on for some tips to navigate some of these road bumps that could save your camp out!

Check out our Little Campers collection


Firstly, ask yourselves, why are you going camping? If it’s to get away from the routine 9 to 5, then away with routine. Our kids are smart enough to tell us when they’re hungry or when they don’t feel well. Just never ready to admit when they’re tired. So if you don’t mind tucking them in then you basically have the recipe for a stress free camping experience!


Another question to ask is, how are you camping? Powered or unpowered? Cabin or tent? Caravan or back of the car? Whatever the situation, bedding is essential. Kids are quite resilient and can sleep anywhere you put them, but making sure they’re warm and sheltered is key. A cold kid is a cranky kid and can potentially become a sick kid and nobody wants that.

Kid's sleeping bags and more


What are you going to do while camping? If you are outside just for a change of scenery and enjoy unfiltered and undisturbed technology time as a family, then by all means enjoy it. If you want to enjoy the peace that is nature then do just that. If you want your children to be out in nature then don’t give them access to what you normally would at home. Show them how fun the outdoors can be. Commit to a couple of family activities. Their natural instincts will kick in and they’ll entertain themselves with what’s around them for hours.

Family camping games and activities


What’s to eat? Are you a culinary expert and have a whole trip worth of gourmet meals planned for your family (can we come)? Or do you prefer less time cooking and more time relaxing? Either way, we’ll tell you something… Kids.. don’t.. care… They’ll survive on nothing but sausage on bread, toasted marshmallows and fruit salad. As long as they’re out there burning calories, is there any harm? Not exactly. It’s more the sugar crash episodes you want to minimise. A few too many of those and it’s game over. A general rule in our camp is 1:1 - 1 treat:1 healthy alternative. For example, a handful of sweets AND a handful of nuts. You want a bag of chips? Here, have a banana too.. This way they get what they want and you’ve hopefully prevented a meltdown.


How long will you be away from home? If camping is something your family doesn’t do often then asking your children to rough it for 2 weeks is expecting a bit much. It might be what you and your partner desire but the physical demands and needs of your children differ greatly. Some children can survive the outdoors indefinitely and others just need it in increments. Know your children and remember, you’re supposed to be on a fun trip not a forced trip.

Create some quiet time for Mum and Dad


At the end of the day children just want to play outside, get dirty, eat junk food and stay up late telling ghost stories. That is what camping is all about though, right? So do yourselves a favour and let them do their thing but do keep an eye on your children for any signs your camp might need to pack down early. Do your homework and stay prepared so you don’t get sprung out.


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