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Camping in Winter. Why it's Just as Popular as Camping in Summer - by Sprung Outdoors

Why Camping in Winter is as Popular as Camping in Summer.



Camping in winter is an incredibly rewarding experience. For starters, the scenery is sure to take your breath away. The snow-covered trees look like something out of a fairy tale, and you can enjoy the peace and quiet of nature - with no one else around, it's just you, maybe family and/or friends and the wilderness. Plus, there's nothing quite like the majesty of a still winter morning as the world starts to wake up, making for an unforgettable adventure. But there are more reasons than just aesthetics to go camping in winter – from physical health benefits to mental well-being, there are plenty of advantages to be had when you brave the cold weather for your outdoor activities. In this blog post, we’ll explore why camping in winter can be an awesome experience and why you should give it a try!



One of the best things about camping in winter is the physical health benefits that come with it. Since you’ll be staying active in cold temperatures, your body will benefit significantly from increased cardiovascular activity and improved circulation. Additionally, venturing out into the sunlight can provide much-needed vitamin D, which helps increase energy levels and can drastically improve your mood. Also been proven to cure Seasonal Affective Disorder (can anyone say SAD?).

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When it comes to the mental benefits of camping in winter, there is plenty to be had. For starters, being out in nature can provide an incredible sense of peace and tranquillity that can often be hard to come by in our increasingly chaotic world. Being out in nature also allows you to clear your head and boost creativity - something that’s often been linked to an increase in general happiness. Not only that but spending time outdoors can also help reduce stress levels, as well as improve your outlook on life, especially useful on those exceptionally cold days. And we don't mean just standing in the sun, why not try some of these activities?


- Explore the Australian winter outback on a 4x4 tour.

- Go skiing or snowboarding at Mt Buller, Falls Creek or other slopes that Australia is known for.

Camp out under the stars and take in breathtaking views of the night sky.

- Visit the Gold Coast beaches to experience a unique Australian winter up close.

- Take part in local events such as skydiving, kayaking, sailing and more.

- Participate in outdoor activities like mountain biking, rock climbing or abseiling.

- Visit a winery or brewery and sample some of Australia's finest wines, spirits and beers while enjoying breathtaking scenery along the way.

- Take a hike and explore the wilderness.

- Build a campfire, roast marshmallows, and make some hot choccy! Always a favourite.

- Gather fallen sticks or driftwood to build a teepee, fort or just a big old bonfire.

- Gather some people and play outdoor games like footy or soccer.

- Go bird watching and identify different species of birds in their natural habitat.

Scavenger hunts. Always a hit with the younger campers.



Whatever your interests, we can just about guarantee that there are several reasons to get outdoors this winter. So don't make your only option sitting indoors rugged up against the cold and freezing to death! Just because it's winter, it doesn't mean the world stops. There is a whole other world out there waiting to be explored! So plan your next winter adventure while sipping on some hot choccy, and as always, stay prepared.



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